Saturday, December 7, 2013

  Rainy Days
            During rainy days, I feel the peace of nature and life. Like a person, when they can’t 
handle things anymore, they want to cry or to get mad. When clouds can’t handle water anymore, it starts to fall as raindrops. I believe that rain is not just created to water plants, to sustain water for us or to make us and our clothes wet. It is created to wash the riddle of mind, make us feel the calmness and enjoy the cold-gray weather.

             I like rain not because I’m an “emo” person, but because I appreciate what nature’s life is.

 Whenever it’s raining, I will just lay down on the couch in the lounge; watch the rain fall on the window beside from where I’m laying, embrace the cold wind, and drink coffee on my favorite mug. Besides, I like rainy days because I’m staying inside my house.  Taking day off to all the dramas, the problems, the exertions. Everything. My world pause, and the only thing I can feel is the happiness and calmness.

This makes me appreciate little things in life; that everything has its own value. And rain and raindrops, they make me feel that I’m not alone; that nature is always here for us. It’s not bad to enjoy small things. Smile and go with the drops of rain.



  1. Very nice composition about rain and life :)

    please visit my blog:
    and comment if you like ^^
